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Life Skill of the Month – Self Awareness

Thought of the Week – “Self awareness makes you self confident”

(15 April, 2024 to 2o April, 2024)

Value – Optimism

According to Jiya Kashyap of XII Arts Bold… 

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal growth and development. It is the ability to introspectively understand one’s own thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and values. This article explores the significance of self-awareness and how it empowers individuals to navigate through life with clarity and purpose.Understanding Self-Awareness: Self-awareness involves being conscious of both internal and external aspects of oneself. Internally, it requires recognizing emotions, understanding triggers, and acknowledging strengths and weaknesses. Externally, it involves understanding how one’s actions and behaviors impact others and the world around them.

Cultivating Self-Awareness:
Mindfulness Practices : Engaging in mindfulness meditation, journaling, or reflective exercises can help individuals tune into their thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations.
Seeking Feedback : Soliciting feedback from trusted friends, family members, or colleagues can provide valuable insights into one’s blind spots and areas for growth.
Self-Reflection : Allocating time for introspection and self-reflection allows individuals to assess their values, goals, and priorities, facilitating greater *self-understanding.
Embracing Vulnerability :* Being open to vulnerability and self-exploration fosters authentic connections with oneself and others, leading to deeper relationships and personal growth.
Continuous Learning: Remaining open-minded and curious enables individuals to explore new perspectives, challenge their beliefs, and expand their self-awareness over time.